Female Disruptor and Skin on Sundays Jessica Lakritz writes her thoughts on human bodies.
If you can’t visualize what this looks like, we’ve got some serious inspiration for you.
In honor of International Women’s Day 2020 and the first anniversary of Female Disruptors.com, we caught up with a female disruptor who writes the words that make the whole world sing, on people’s bodies. Meet Jessica who combines the two worlds of poetry and the human body with Skin on Sundays. Jessica is based in Mexico City, Mexico and writes her poetic messages stamped in her own beautiful typography across the bodies of females around the world.
I write poetry on human canvases and take photos.
The poems are typically written inspired by the canvas it is written on, which creates a stronger connection between the world of art and living, breathing, real existence. Plus, the whole experience of creating the piece, the words are written on a body and turned into a lasting image, which I call physiopoetry, is part of it too. I try to make people in every kind of body see themselves as a work of beautiful art both during the creation and after when they have the finished product. Skin on Sundays started as a passion project but then turned into a growing art business. I had no experience with photography before I started, or writing on people, either, or business, but that’s some of the magic of the universe. It just throws you in and you figure out your way through.
It was November 2015. A friend asked me how I was going to get more people to read my poetry, to expand it beyond just the “poetry crowd,” and I realized at that moment I had never even thought about that possibility. But that got my wheels spinning so fast and a few days later, it dawned on me that in this age of visual media, I should write on people’s bodies, turn the poems into an image. It’s not just to get more people to read only my poetry, but to use my gift with words to inspire people, to make them feel connected or grounded or calm or excited or thoughtful. So within a week, I had the website up and Instagram up.
Skin on Sundays Instagram started growing naturally, and after a few months of growth, it dawned on me that I could turn this into a real business. It has always been my dream to turn poetry into my own profession, and this was definitely my opportunity. It’s still small, but I love the whole process of growing it, of learning the business side of things that the artist me never dreamed of doing.
When I started, I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t have the first idea about business or even realize the potential for business on Instagram. I was simply following my heart that told me to do this poetry on skin thing. If I would have waited until I “knew what I was doing,” I never would have gotten this project off the ground.
You just have to jump in. Plan the basics and get it going and figure out the rest later.
And trust that the answers will come if you put the work in.
Skin on Sundays has a big purpose beyond just aesthetics. It takes a pretty deep look into society with wide-open eyes and talks about hard things. I try to create beautiful, thoughtful, meaningful work that will not only connect with people but bridge the gaps.
There are gaps between what we think we know and what we know. How we want to feel about ourselves and how we actually feel. How we see ourselves and how the world sees us. Gaps between cultures and races and genders. You bridge those gaps and help people feel connected, then there’s automatically more love and understanding in the world. If we feel good about ourselves, feel comfortable with our emotions and being vulnerable, and are more open and thoughtful when encountering differences, that helps us to be better, to be good.
My best friend is also kind of like my silent partner in Skin on Sundays. While the project started out as just mine, it wouldn’t have started without her. When I had the idea of doing this, she made the website within days, she let me borrow her camera and taught me how to use it, she taught me how to edit photos in Photoshop.
When I’ve had those dark thoughts of letting the project go because of not being able to find people to write on, or feeling like I wasn’t getting any better and so the project would never be good enough to actually connect with people, she would talk me off those ledges. I’m a person that can have a short fuse, so when something goes wrong, my immediate reaction is to hole up and cry. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely do that, but she taught me how to cry it out and then get right back on my feet and try again without wasting any time. My gratitude for all she has given me and continues to give me is pretty infinite.
“We become what we think about.”
-Earl Nightingale
Nightingale has this speech that I heard on YouTube from a friend years ago. It’s called “The Strangest Secret,” and it’s all about this idea that we are what we think about. Who are you if not your thoughts? If you’re thinking about something all the time, you transform into it. There’s no way around it. Most people think their mind does what it wants, but this quote, what’s inside of it, has taught me how much power we have. We can train our minds to think about what we want to become, and then it’s only natural that we become that thing. It’s not an easy task to train your mind, but it is worth it.
For me, I can’t avoid having passing negative thoughts, but I can choose to let them go instead of holding on to them and letting them eat at me, so I do. I let them go. They are poison and usually not based on much reality. My life has changed so much now that I implement this. I don’t let my negative thoughts hang out. They pass through my brain like a cloud and float away as quickly as they came.
There are lots, but I would say Ellen might be my number one.
I admire how she took a shitty situation when she was newer in the business and turned it into this amazing Ellen empire. Of course, I want to pick her brain about that. I want to know who she is and absorb her energy. I think being around her and having a regular conversation would reveal so much about things I want to achieve myself. Just understanding her day-to-day, her vibe, that would be magical. Plus, she’s so funny, so it would be fun being able to be inside of that humor one-on-one.
I’m surprisingly good at interpreting tarot and other spiritual cards.
Aries, Gemini Rising
“Happy Like This” by Ashley Wurzbacher
We’re going to be in that Black Mirror episode where likes and engagement start influencing your life in serious ways.
Give me a great Oregon Pinot Noir and I’m happy.
It changes a lot, but I’ve been really into @human.edge lately. It’s endlessly inspiring photographically.
Airdrop is my jam.
Sitting in a hot bubble bath with a glass of wine.
I haven’t gotten much into Tweeting, but I’m @skinonsundays there too.
Ellen, Beyonce, AOC, Margaret Atwood, Mary Karr
I’m publishing a coffee table book of Skin on Sundays!
Connect with Jessica through her social and check out her poetry coloring books here.